DIY Green Cleaning Switches

Surface Sprays Switch

Surface Spray Switch This is the most simplest of all the switches and it makes perfect sense why! Any liquid cleaner you purchase is likely to be 90%+ water -...

Surface Sprays Switch

Surface Spray Switch This is the most simplest of all the switches and it makes perfect sense why! Any liquid cleaner you purchase is likely to be 90%+ water -...

Oven Cleaner Switch

Oven Cleaner Switch There are various methods to cleaning your oven DIY style. Firstly, you don't have to evacuate the family and pets! You can make pastes or scrub tablets...

Oven Cleaner Switch

Oven Cleaner Switch There are various methods to cleaning your oven DIY style. Firstly, you don't have to evacuate the family and pets! You can make pastes or scrub tablets...

Dishwasher Tablet Switch

Dishwasher Tablet Switch These are the 2 minimum ingredients you need to make a perfectly effective, quick and easy dishwasher powder If you purchased 750g Percarbonate and 750g of Washing...

Dishwasher Tablet Switch

Dishwasher Tablet Switch These are the 2 minimum ingredients you need to make a perfectly effective, quick and easy dishwasher powder If you purchased 750g Percarbonate and 750g of Washing...

Dishwashing Liquid Switch

Dishwashing Liquid Switch I am going to very upfront about this, this is the toughest of all the DIY switches to make. This is a pure soap solution without artificial...

Dishwashing Liquid Switch

Dishwashing Liquid Switch I am going to very upfront about this, this is the toughest of all the DIY switches to make. This is a pure soap solution without artificial...