Bleach Free Laundry Soak and Stain Remover

Bleach Free Laundry Soak and Stain Remover

When it comes to whitening whites and removing stains you can't go past this one hero ingredient - Sodium Percarbonate.

It is the key ingredient found in all laundry soak and stain removers, like Napisan and is a safe and eco-friendly alternative to chlorine bleach.


How to use it

Add 1-2 tablespoons to a bucket/sink of hot water, ensuring it dissolves completely. Immerse your clothes in this bubbly mixture and let the magic happen over several hours or even overnight. This method is not only effective at banishing stubborn stains but also revives the brightness of your whites.


Activating Percarbonate with Heat

To unleash the full potential of Percarbonate, hot water is key, It is recommended to use water temperatures above 40°C. The heat helps to not only dissolve the Percarbonate but activate its bleaching power by releasing oxygen bubbles that penetrate deep into the fabric fibres, breaking down and lifting away even the most stubborn stains. 


Why everyone loves it

Not only does it remove stains and whiten whites its colour safe too, brightening dull coloured fabrics. It is also biodegradable, eco-friendly and septic safe.

Its a beautiful alternative to smelly toxic chlorine bleach. Plus a little bit goes a long way, so it is a budget friendly solution.


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