What to do about mould?

What to do about mould?

Analisa Malone


Mould is a very serious issue and if left untreated can spread throughout the home and cause some serious health problems.

There are various types of mould that can affect your home - for a great summary CLICK HERE

Knowing what mould, you are breeding and what type of surface its breeding on is important in eradicating it. You need to know your enemy!

Therefore, in the case of Mould removal, we recommend ditching the DIY solutions & calling an expert to investigate the cause and recommend a treatment.

If you start attempting to remove mould you could potentially disrupt the spores & spread it further though your home. The experts use specially designed Hepa vacuum filters to suck & trap those tiny, microscopic pores. Unless you are the expert, I doubt you would have this technology handy.

If you do attempt to DIY with Commercial Mould & Mildew removers, then take note of the warnings.

Commercial Mould and Mildew removers require a well-ventilated area, so you don’t rip your lungs and throat apart by the toxic fumes– however the irony is mould often forms in areas that are not normally well ventilated to begin with.

One of the main ingredients in commercial mould killers is Sodium Hypochlorite – which is a derivative of Chlorine. Although Chlorine is a natural salt of the earth, when combined with other elements can be very toxic. Mixing Chlorine bleach and Ammonia for example creates a toxic gas that was used in World War 1 – but also a common source of household exposure. 

So, I hate to say it - prevention is much better than cure! Mould loves damp environments, so don't give it what it loves & keep your bathroom dry & clean.

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