A guide to Xanthan Gum

A guide to Xanthan Gum

This is a quick guide into our brilliant ingredient Xanthan Gum.


Why Xanthan Gum should be in your DIY Toolkit

Xanthan gum serves several important functions in various applications. Xanthan gum is renowned for its exceptional thickening and stabilising properties. It can help stabilize emulsions by preventing the separation of oil and water-based ingredients.

In food products, xanthan gum acts as a binding agent, helping ingredients stay together. It's also used to suspend solid particles in liquid solutions, preventing them from settling and can help retain moisture in both food and cosmetic formulations. 


How to use Xanthan Gum in your DIY cleaners & beauty products

Xanthan gum is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both DIY cleaners and beauty products for its thickening, stabilizing, and emulsifying properties. It is used to thicken liquid products giving them a more gel-like consistency and helps ingredients stay together.

Pro tip - use glycerine and xanthan gum as an effective thickening duo for your water-based products


What makes Xanthan Gum eco-friendly

Xanthan gum is eco-friendly due to its production process. It's created through natural fermentation using bacteria and simple sugars. This process avoids the need for extensive chemical treatments and is resource efficient. Additionally, xanthan gum is biodegradable, breaking down harmlessly in the environment. Its sustainable sourcing and minimal environmental impact contribute to its eco-friendly profile.


How Xanthan Gum is made 

Xanthan gum is made through a natural fermentation process using bacteria called Xanthomonas campestris. First, bacteria are fed a sugar solution, like corn syrup. As they consume the sugars, they produce xanthan gum as a gel-like substance. The mixture is then dried and ground into a fine powder, which becomes the xanthan gum we use in various products as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier. This process is eco-friendly because it uses renewable resources and doesn't involve harsh chemicals.

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